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Shogun Officers

Capt Brian Moore

Vice President
Capt Bart Kenerson

Capt Darrin Dronoff

Capt Aabram Marsh


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See a Shogun LOA Officer to get your hat today!!!

This page last updated on:
02 Jun 2002
Maintained by:
1st Lt Steve Rose


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JASDF Officer Tour of Kadena AB

Our good friend, Lt Col Oue, brought his log-troopers to Kadena to see how we do business.  Had a great day!  Learned a lot and met new friends.

Visited our Fuel Shop...

Did some Confined Space Training...

...and checked out our Wash Rack.

 ...and the Paint Barn.

...and the Missile Shop.

...and the Bomb Renovation facility.

It was one long day!!!

26 May 1999

da Team

da Coin

The Okinawa Logistics Officers Association is an officially-chartered Kadena Air Base organization.
We are a non-profit, non-commercial organization.